Past Committee
Past Committees
2022/2023: | President: Mark Robertson | Vice President: Richard Poke | Secretary & Public Officer: Jo Gatehouse | Treasurer/Promotions Officer: Jill Weaver | Show Manager: Richard Poke | Website : Jo Gatehouse & Nadine Davies | FB Administrator: Nadine Davies & Jo Gatehouse | Patron: Craig Farrell MLC
2021/2022: | President: Matthew Paine | Vice President: Brady Robins | Secretary: Jenny Cooper | Treasurer: Jill Weaver | Promotions officer: Vacant | Show manager: Ellis DIck & Brady Robins | Website: Jo Gatehouse | FB Admin: Brady Robins | Patron: Craig Farrell |
2020/2021: | President: Matthew Paine | Vice President: Brady Robins| Secretary: Jill Weaver | Treasurer: Jill Weaver | Promotions Officer: Vacant | Show Manager: Brady Robins & Ellis Dick | Website and fb Administrator: Jill Weaver, Zack Hall & Brady Robins |
2019/2020: | President: | Vice President | Secretary and Public Officer: | Promotions Officer: | Treasurer: | Show Manager:
2018/2019: | President: Matthew Paine | Vice President: | Secretary & Public Officer: Jill Weaver | Promotions Officer: Lorna Dick | Treasurer: Jill Weaver | Show Manager: |
2017/2018: | President: Ellis Dick | Vice President: | Secretary & Public Officer: Jill Weaver | Promotions Officer: Lorna Dick | Treasurer: Jill Weaver | Show Manager: |
2016/2017: | President: Ellis Dick | Vice President: Deanne Ledger | Secretary & Public Officer: Jill Weaver | Promotions Officer: Deanne Ledger | Treasurer: Jill Weaver | Show Manager: |
2015/2016: | President: Ellis Dick | Vice President: Deanne Ledger | Secretary/Treasurer: Jill Weaver | Promotions Officer: Deanne Ledger | Show Manager: Roly Calvert | Patron: Chris Wisbey |
2014/2015: | President: Judi Walker | Vice President: Merv Hutt | Secretary: Jill Weaver | Treasurer: Peter Bradley | Show Manager: Corinna Woods | Publicity Officer & Website Manager: Isaac Walker | Patron: Posie Graeme-Evans
2013/2014: | President: Judi Walker | Vice President & Assistant Treasurer: Peter Bradley | Secretary: Jill Weaver | Assistant Secretary: Phil Gorman | Treasurer: Bill Hyndes | Show Manager: Corinna Woods | Publicity Officer, Exchange Steward & Website Officer: Isaac Walker | Patron: Posie Grame-Evans
2012/2013: | President: Judi Walker | Vice President: Tracey Cordwell | Secretary: Jill Weaver | Assistant Secretary: Phil Gorman | Treasurer: Bill Hyndes | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer, Exchange Steward & Website Officer: Isaac Walker | Patron: Posie Grame-Evans
2011/2012: | President: Deanne Lance | Vice President: Aaron Shaw | Secretary: Jill Weaver | Assistant Secretary: Tracey Cordwell | Treasurer: Bill Hyndes | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer & Assistant Treasurer: Judi Walker | Exchange Steward & Website Officer: Isaac Walker | Patron: Dr James Harris OAM
2010/2011: | President: Richard Poke | Vice President: Aaron Shaw | Secretary: Deanne Lance | Assistant Secretary: Tracey Cordwell | Treasurer: Bill Hyndes | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer: Jill Weaver | Exchange Steward & Website Officer: Brent Lance | Patron: Sally Dakis
2009/2010: | President: Richard Poke | Vice President: Aaron Shaw | Secretary: Deanne Lance | Assistant Secretary: Tracey Cordwell | Treasurer: Bill Hyndes | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer: Brent Lance | Exchange Steward & Website Officer: Mark Robertson | Patron: Sally Dakis
2008/2009: | President: Richard Poke | Vice President: Aaron Shaw | Secretary: Deanne Lance | Assistant Secretary: Peter Manning | Treasurer: Bill Hyndes | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer: Brent Lance | Exchange Steward & Website Officer: Mark Robertson | Patron: Sally Dakis
2007/2008: | President: Bill Hyndes | Vice President: Aaron Shaw | Secretary: Deanne Lance | Assistant Secretary: Peter Manning | Treasurer: Peta Rogers | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer: Brent Lance | Patron: Sally Dakis
2006/2007: | President: Bill Hyndes | Vice President: Dave Brown | Secretary: Deanne Lance | Treasurer: Tracey Cordwell | Show Manager: Rob Shaw | Publicity Officer: Brent Lance | Exchange Steward: Peta Rogers | Patron: Sally Dakis